Nutrition Initiatives

Nutritious Foods to Alleviate the Impact of Food Insecurity

Lowcountry Food Bank believes that greater access to nutritious food can help break the cycle of hunger and alleviate food insecurity. In 2020, the Lowcountry Food Bank officially adopted a Nutrition Policy. The policy guides our organizational decisions and stewards donations that support the well-being of the community. By committing to purchasing foods low in sugar, sodium, and saturated fat when available, Lowcountry Food Bank provides our agency partners and the neighbors they serve with nutritious food. This food can enrich and manage health, all of which can help break the cycle of food insecurity.

Education to Address the Root Causes of Food Insecurity

As a SNAP Education Implementing Agency, Lowcountry Food Bank provides partners with training, materials, and guidance to empower their community to make the best food choices within their budget. The Lowcountry Food Bank Community Health and Nutrition team coordinates Cooking Matters courses, Kids in the Kitchen classes, recipe samplings, and guides partners to create a welcoming environment for the community to shop and select the nutritious food that best meets their family’s needs.

Click here to learn more about our education programs!

Hidden Row

Food Literacy Classes

“We offer a series of classes for LCFB partners, their volunteers, and neighbors. Classes include how to shop on a budget, using the nutrition facts label confidently, building balanced meals and snacks, and eating a rainbow of foods, among others. Upon graduation, participants receive incentives that help them continue to learn and practice their skills.

Pantry and Partner Resources and Recipes

Our team shares nutrition information and delicious recipes for commonly available items. They are simple to prepare and meet specific nutrition guidelines for a healthy life.

In addition, our Learning Center provides opportunities for partners to learn best practices such as creating choice-style pantries, incorporating nutrition education into their pantries, and ensuring food safety.

Click here for Lowcountry Food Bank recipes! 

Interested in bringing nutrition education to your agency?