Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation

Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation is a separate 501c3 organization that provides a consistent and sustainable source of funding to support Lowcountry Food Bank.
A Promise to Feed our Neighbors Forever.
Established in 2021, the Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation manages and invests monetary gifts, which continue to grow, and provides a dependable source of annual income to help fund feeding programs, projects, equipment, and infrastructure for Lowcountry Food Bank. The Foundation helps ensure that our neighbors who experience food insecurity in the 10 coastal counties of South Carolina will have access to food assistance both now and in the future.
Ways to Give:
The Full Plate Legacy Society: Planned Gifts
The Full Plate Legacy Society recognizes donors who disclose their intent to include the Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation in their estate plans with a gift of at least $2,500.
All society members are publicly recognized in the Lowcountry Food Bank lobby and invited to events and opportunities.
The Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation and Lowcountry Food Bank partner with FreeWill, a no-cost, simple tool that can be used to create your will and make a real impact for people who face hunger in the Lowcountry.
Start Your Bequest
All estate plans made using FreeWill are 100% legal and specifically tailored to you and your wishes
For more information, please contact us or call (843) 747-8146 ext. 123.
The Open Can Society: Cash Investments
The Open Can Society recognizes donors who make total cash donations to the Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation of at least $2,500. Cash gifts can be made directly to Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation by mail or online.
Mail to
Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation
2864 Azalea Drive
Charleston, South Carolina 29405
All society members are publicly recognized in the Lowcountry Food Bank lobby and invited to events and opportunities.
For more information, please contact us or call (843) 747-8146 ext. 123.
Other Ways to Give: Tax-Smart Options
There are numerous ways you can make a commitment to feed our neighbors and leave a lasting legacy:
- Stock donation
- Retirement account (IRA)
- Donor Advised Fund (DAF)
- Insurance policy
- Charitable Gift Annuity
For more information, please contact us or call (843) 747-8146 ext. 123.

“Access to ample, nutritious food is a basic human right. We want to do our part to help others realize that right. Together, we have become part of the Food Bank family of supporters. We respect their careful stewardship of resources and unrelenting passion to nourish the children, families, seniors, and our greater community.
We are confident that all investments of talent and treasure are efficiently managed in the Foundation to feed people throughout the ten coastal counties of South Carolina’s Lowcountry for years to come.”
– Bob & Shawn Kahle
Bob is the Board Chair of Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation
Board of Directors
Chair – Bob Kahle
Kahle Strategic Insights, Managing Director
Vice Chair – Tyler Condon
Performa, Relationship Manager
Treasurer – Steve Swanson
Automated Trading Desk, Co-Founder
Secretary – Erika Harrison
Law Offices of Erika Harrison, Principal
Pat Walker – Chair Emerita
Lowcountry Food Bank, President & CEO – retired
Aaron Brewer
Mid-Atlantic Capital Partners, CEO
Mark Crocker
Dixon Hughes Goodman, Founding Partner – Retired
Turquoi Dorsey
Inside Real Estate, Director Tier 1 Support
Brian Hubacher
Willson Jones Carter & Baxley, Attorney
Amie Grimes
The InterTech Group, Inc., Director of Operational Accounting
Milton Irvin
Investment Banker – Retired
Tom Jeffries
Quoizel, CFO – Retired
Mike Smith
HBM Holdings, Board Advisor
Dr. Henry Tisdale
Claflin University, President – Retired
Chris Tobin
Flywheel Advancement, President
For more information, please contact Beth Atkinson, Director of Fundraising at eatkinson@lcfbank.org or (843) 747-8146 ext. 123.
Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization recognized by section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID #86-1286512. Contributions are deductible as allowed by law.
Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation 2023 990 Form
Lowcountry Food Bank Foundation 2022 990 Form