Find A Pantry Near You
If you are in need of food, use our pantry locator below to find a food pantry near you. Food assistance is provided by Lowcountry Food Bank agency partners located across our 10-county service area. Please note that partner agencies’ hours may change without notice. Please call before visiting to make sure they are open.
- Type in your address or city in the search bar at the top of the window to locate food assistance closest to you.
- You may use a search filter to find organizations that are open on the days you prefer.
- In the right-hand search results window, you will see organizations providing food assistance.
- Click on Hours and Programs to see the days and times the organization has a food distribution or provides additional services.
- Click Directions to find the best way to travel from your location.
- Click Download if you wish to have a printable version of your search results.
- Click More Filters to learn more about additional services the organization provides such as diapers, delivery services, and more.
Need help finding food?
- Call us at 843-747-8146 x100
- Call SC United Way 211 Hotline by dialing 211