Note: Events run until the time listed or until supplies run out, whichever comes first.

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House of Prayer & Praise Baptist Church 104 East Main Street, Harleyville, SC, United States


Greater Cherry Grove Christian Church 80 Cherry Grove Road, Brunson, SC, United States


Hopewell CME Church 3200 Daley Rd, Garnett, SC, United States


St. Pauls Summerville 111 Waring Street, Summerville, SC, United States

Pawleys Island

Precious Blood of Christ 1633 Waverly Road, Pawleys Island, SC, United States


Bethel United Methodist Church 57 Pitt St, Charleston, SC, United States

St. George

Upper Dorchester Community Ministries 101 Ridge Street, St. George, SC, United States

North Charleston

Cathedral Bread Basket 3790 Ashley Phosphate Rd, North Charleston, SC, United States


Tricounty Veterans Support Network/VA 109 Bee St., Charleston, SC, United States


Feeding of the Multitudes 2138 Cainhoy Road, Huger, SC, United States


Catholic Charities of South Carolina 1905 Front Street, Georgetown, SC, United States

Mount Pleasant

East Cooper Community Outreach 1145 Six Mile Rd, Mt. Pleasant, SC, United States